Local Movers in Singapore – Hiring a Mover versus DIY

Why hire a mover for relocation? Why not save money by doing it yourself instead? It is a surefire way to keep your money, but the advantages that go with hiring a pro might be worth more than the dollars you will be able to save.

If you talk to some local movers in Singapore, here are things they will tell you about hiring a professional mover.

Fast Move

Fast execution is what you want because you want to settle down in your new location quickly.

With a moving company assisting you, you have in your hand specially-trained movers who move people’s things day-in and day-out. They know efficient techniques in maneuvering furniture around awkward corners and getting boxes onto and out of a truck without damaging valuables.

With these professionals’ expertise, you can be sure of well-organized trips during transit. That’s because their workforce is specially trained for this purpose.  Every trip and every load is maximized for efficient and fast execution.

Insurance Coverage

Let’s face it. A friend may be generous enough to lend a helping hand, but if he happens to break something, you will feel very awkward to ask him to pay you.

Hiring professional movers helps you avoid being in such a scenario. Working with a moving company assures you that, in case of loss or damage, someone will be responsible for it. They will assume full responsibility for handling your belongings.

You also want to make sure to get full insurance coverage. The free basic insurance coverage that movers offer does not guarantee full reimbursement of damaged items.  

The fact that your belongings are insured will give you peace of mind. They will pack your things such that they stay in place and not get dislodged. For the move, it means not having to hand out avoidable claims, and for you, it means safe transit of your valuables.

Have More Time for Other Moving Day Issues

On the day of the move, there can be many other things to prepare, which will require your full attention. Perhaps, utility or setting up some cables, or a driver’s license, or spending a big chunk of your time to make your new place move-in friendly.

The moving company will give you the time you need by literally taking the burden off your back, so you can have time to focus on necessary tasks and exercise efficiency.

A Mover Has All the Right Equipment

Professional movers have trucks with the perfect size to carry all your belongings within the least number of trips possible. They all have the right tools to move equipment.

Those who do the job themselves rent a smaller truck that requires more trips to finish. They also forget about various tools available that can help make their move much easier.

Ensures Your Move Takes Place on Schedule

Signing a contract with a moving company guarantees that their moving crew will come to your place at the date and time pre-arranged to do the service you are getting from them. The contract assures you that your goods are handled with utmost care and transited to your new address.

By contrast, self-moves do not offer a high degree of reliability. The promise of your friends to be there is not a 100% guarantee. Anything can happen to them, which will force them to back out at the last minute, and when that happens to you, it can leave you high and dry.

Now, there is something amiss if you force your friends to sign a binding contract after they have agreed to help you move.

No Lifting Heavy Objects

Unless everything in your home is designed around the idea that you have to be able to move it to a new location without help, you probably are feeling scared about how difficult your move could be.

People with that idea in their heads would not buy heavy things and probably settle with foldable and smaller pieces of stuff that they can easily carry when moving. Further, they probably would avoid renting a unit located on the 2nd floor or 3rd floor of an apartment. Heavy mattresses can be insanely hard to get up 3 or 4 flights of stairs by yourself.

A moving company will save you the hassle and perhaps, hiring one will be the best thing you will do for your family. Your move will be so quick and easy and will not leave you exhausted. In a blink of an eye, your house will be in a new place.