Singapore has been progressing well since it’s independence away from Malaysia. Today, Singapore is the only country in South East Asia to be named developed country, thanks to its robust infrastructure spending over the years and strong government leadership. Singapore has been proven to be stable compared to its neighboring peers and other developed nations, as Singapore sits on a strategic island with relatively stable hot sunny weather all year round.
Singapore is attractive to many foreigners and skilled workers who are looking to migrate to Singapore for a better life. Moving from another country to settle in a new environment is challenging yet it poses an opportunity as you get to learn a new heritage and culture. Fortunately, moving today to Singapore is easier thanks to professional local movers in Singapore such as Shang Rong International Movers who will take care of your moving needs.
Here are the top three reasons why you might want to consider moving to Singapore for a better life:
Career and Business Opportunities in Singapore
Singapore is consistently ranked in the top 5 countries around the world for ease of doing business. The government’s effort to promote a clean and transparent business environment has helped to propel the country into one of the most developed nation in the world. Singapore’s generous tax policy combined with little bureaucracy has prompted many corporations to set up their regional headquarters in Singapore.

With world-class transportation and infrastructure system, Singapore can be a positive environment for you to excel in your career. Safety in Singapore is guaranteed and Singapore promotes meritocracy above all else. This means you’ll be promoted and rewarded according to your contributions to your employer.
Multi-Cultural Society
Singapore is a multi-cultural society that comprises mainly of the Malay, Chinese and Indian ethic. Singapore promotes English as the medium of communication hence foreigners will not have to deal with learning a new language (such as that of Korea or Japan) in order to communicate effectively.

Moving into Singapore for the first time can be intimidating and you probably will feel the sense of attachment to your home country. However, like any given new environment, if you give Singapore some time, you will be assimilated to Singapore’s cultural heritage and friendly community.
Food is aplenty and you will be bombarded with the luxury of choices, ranging from Chinese to Western cuisine. Just ask any local Singapore for food tips and you will be delighted that such topics can span into hours of discussion or even a debate. Yes, Singapore is serious about their food. You will never be bored with the choices available.
Lifestyle In Singapore
Singapore is probably famous for its price tag on cars. The government imposes heavy taxation on purchases of automobiles as Singapore is trying to restrict the number of cars on the island due to space constraints. In substitution, the government has spent billions of dollars on transportation networks. Today, you can access entire Singapore by foot either by train (MRT or LRT) or by public buses.
You can purchase your daily necessity needs from shopping malls or convenience shops that seems to be mushrooming in every neighborhood block. These goods are easily affordable if you’re earning an average wage in Singapore. Purchasing power in Singapore is relatively high compared to its neighbor countries and it has always been the prime reason for workers in Malaysia to cross the border every day to earn the stronger Singapore dollars.
Connectivity is important in today’s business environment. Singapore boast one of the most impressive internet connectivity penetration in the world. You can subscribe to high-speed internet fiber for an affordable rate. There are also multiple hotspots or free WiFi that are available for you to connect. On top of that, mobile data allowance is generous relatively for an affordable price.
Singapore continues to remain in the top list for anyone looking for better opportunities abroad. The opportunities are endless because of the meritocracy policy where anyone working hard enough can create and control their destiny. On top of that, migrating to Singapore can be relatively easy compared to decades ago thanks to professional local movers in Singapore.
If you are reading this and are interested to migrate to Singapore, we at Shang Rong International Movers can help you plan your migration, from moving your belongings abroad to Singapore to helping you settle down in Singapore comfortably with recommendations.